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Interview Style, Portfolio, Videography

Reflection Riding Red Wolf Documentary

Reflection Riding Nature Center and Arboretum located in Chattanooga Tennessee, is one of 32 different locations that house and breed the most endangered canine in the world  — the Red Wolf. Reflection Riding came to us about the idea of making a short documentary to raise awareness of the extremely endangered wolf from the local area. 


The project involved interviews with experts on staff at Reflection Riding, as well as lots of b-roll of the wolves themselves in their natural habitats. They chose to do the standar 

The final product took about six weeks, from start to finish – capturing the interviews and b-roll footage. We’re super proud of this short documentary that explains the importance of the wolves’ impact on the ecosystem and how vital it is that we do everything we can to bring them back from the brink of extinction.

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